Monday, 14 March 2011

Media Rationale For Advert

Advertisement Aim:
The aim of the advertisement is to persuade young people to save energy.

What is your final idea?:
 My final idea is to have people walking around switching off lights and every time they turn one off they gain gain some life like in a video game.

Why have you decided to choose this idea?:
I have decided to choose this idea because looking back at the audience feedback i have seen that appeals to my target audience. As there is the use of games in it, young people will be kept focused on the subject and may listen more.

What advertising strategies will you use?
I will use guilt, shock and maybe some humour.

How does your advert appeal to your target audience?
It appeals to them because a lot of them like playing games so they feel they can relate to the thing more and as it isn't something boring they won't be bored.

What are your areas for development or improvements that need to be made?
I need to add more to it and make it more funny.

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